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Declutter Your Life: What to Keep or Toss When Decluttering
Tori Klein • June 3, 2021

"When you are decluttering your home, how do you decide what to keep or toss?" This is a question that many people ask themselves when they start the process of simplifying their surroundings. There are some tried and true methods for deciding which items to get rid of, but it can still be difficult to determine if something should go back in the closet or into the trash. In this blog post, I will discuss some tips on how to make these tough decisions with clarity!

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Has it passed its expiration date?

One of the easiest ways to decide if something needs to be tossed is by looking at its expiration date. Has it passed that date? If so, then it's probably best not to keep this item around because you don't know how safe or effective it will be after that time period has elapsed. This includes medicine and food items! You can use an app like Google Keep to keep track of when you need to eat or drink something and then toss it out accordingly.

Is it critical to save and why?

Another way to decide what you should keep and toss is by identifying if it's critical for saving. For example, some documents need to be saved because they are important legal documentation or a family photo album needs to be kept in order to preserve memories. These items may not fit into your new lifestyle either but the decision of whether these things stay or go should be made with careful consideration.

Do you have duplicates?

You should consider how many duplicates of an item you have. Some people may be obsessive about collecting items like pens or coffee mugs and end up with way more than they need - if that's the case for your household it might make sense to declutter some of those duplicate items.

Do you use it regularly?

Items that are not used on a regular basis can often lead to the feeling of being overwhelmed when looking for items. Items like winter clothes or decoration pieces may be in storage and forgotten about but they clutter your home with their presence.

If you're still unsure what to do, simplify! Start with one area of your house and try decluttering one or two things each day until you're satisfied with the decluttered state of your house.

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